

Total 38건 2 페이지
Research 목록
순번 학술지명 논문명 게재년도 SCI등재여부
23 Cancer Cell
Proteogenomic Characterization of Human EarlyOnset Gastric Cancer
2019 SCI
22 Journal of Chromatography B
Development of an automated high-throughput sample preparation protocol for LC-MS/MS analysis of glycated peptides
2018 SCI
21 Journal of Periodontal Research
Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of human periodontal ligament stem cells by high-resolution mass spectrometry
2018 SCI
20 Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Effects of FGF21‐secreting adipose‐derived stem cells in thioacetamide‐induced hepatic fibrosis
2018 SCI
19 Analytical science and technology
Proteomic analysis of Korean mothers' human milk at different lactation stages; postpartum 1, 3, and 6 weeks
2017 -
18 Nuturition and Cancer
Enhancement of the Antitumor Effect of Methotrexate on Colorectal Cancer Cells via Lactate Calcium Salt Targeting Methionine Metabolism
2017 SCI
17 Current Proteomics
An Automated High-Throughput Sample Preparation Protocol for LC-MS/MS Analysis of Glycopeptides
2016 SCI
16 Current Proteomics
Use of Filter-Aided Capture and Elution Protocol for Concurrent Preparation of N-glycan and O-glycopeptides for LC-MS/MS Analysis
2016 SCI
15 Scientific Reports
Integrated analysis of global proteome, phosphoproteome, and glycoproteome enables complementary interpretation of disease-related protein networks
2015 SCI
14 Current Proteomics
Use of High-Throughput Trypsin Digestion in Proteomic Studies
2015 SCI
13 Journal of Proteomics
Development of an Automated, High-throughput Sample Preparation Protocol for Proteomics Analysis
2015 SCI
12 Journal of Proteomics
Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase as a potential UVB target in skin epidermis; using an integrated approach of label-free quantitative proteomics and targeted metabolite analysis
2015 SCI
11 Psychiatry Investig
Proteomic Analysis of Serum from Patients with Major Depressive Disorder to Compare Their Depressive and Remission Statuses
2015 SCI
10 Mass Spectrometry Letters
Proteome Analysis of Mouse Adipose Tissue and Colon Tissue using a Novel Integrated Data Processing Pipeline
2014 -
9 Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
Combined phospho- and glycoproteome enrichment in nephrocalcinosis tissues of phytate-fed rats
2013 SCI
